Thursday 18 August 2011

Offers on our brand new range of premium Swarovski charms

Hi all

We are so pleased with the new range of premium swarovski crystal charms that we have created some special offers so you can share in our charms and save at the same time!

All our customers can get 50% off this range of charms with the purchase of one our swarovski crystal bracelets (this gives you a great place to clip your charm!!!)

We also have a secret exclusive offer for our facebook customers but you have to 'Like' our page to find out what that is!!!! Visit our page at:

So what is different about our new premium range compared to the standard range? 

We have included a bail attachment which really gives the charms a great look and to top it off we have included the best quality clasp attachment which is made from brass and smoothly plated with a silver coating to give a gorgeous finish.  These clasps are much stronger and give a higher quality finish.  These premium clasps are slightly longer than our standard range.

We always love feedback from you all so feel free to get in contact: or visit the website: or even go straight to view our new charms:

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Have you considered bespoke handmade jewellery?

Have you considered bespoke handmade jewellery?

Firstly, bespoke simply means something that is individual to you and tailored to your requirements.  This often means that you are getting a unique item.

We often see celebrities at fashion shows and premiers who have designers like Swarovski design pieces just for them for that event.  Okay so the piece may be out of this world but there is no reason why you need to be a celebrity to have something bespoke handmade just for you, exactly how you want it and the beauty of it is you can even have input into the design or simply leave it to the designer.

When jewellery is handmade it is often possible to have more flexibility regarding the actual finished product, for example, you can incorporate elements of different designs or have something that is entirely new in order to get the piece you want. 

When something is created just for you, you know that time and care has been taken over making your piece of jewellery just with you in mind rather than having a mass produced piece from the high street

Particularly with Swarovski crystal, there is such a huge variety of sizes, colours and shapes that even if you have found a particular shaped crystal that you like to incorporate into your jewellery there are still a multitude of options regarding colours and sizes in order to make your perfect new jewellery.

Perhaps you are putting off enquiring about a bespoke piece of jewellery as you don’t know where to begin?  Most stores that design and hand-make their pieces have a passion for what they do and would enjoy helping you to make a start.  Simply think about a few aspects to begin such as:

Is the piece for a particular occasion?

If so, are there any special colours you may need, for example to match an outfit?

You may already have some jewellery that you want to create matching pieces for and bespoke handmade jewellery can give you the opportunity to match pieces that you may no longer be able to find

If you simply want jewellery to wear daily then you can think about aspects such as whether you like more delicate jewellery or something more substantial in size, what your budget would be and what colours you like to wear.

The same ideas can be applied if you are looking to get a piece designed as a gift.  Pay attention to these aspects with the person in mind and you could end up with a very meaningful and well appreciated gift that will be treasured

To put it simply, bespoke handmade jewellery gives you flexibility and control to get just the jewellery you want

Monday 1 August 2011

The popularity of charm beads

Charm bracelets have been around for centuries, they held great significance as far back as the Egyptian Pharaohs.  Although traditional charm style bracelets may be less popular than they once were, charm beads have gained an enormous following today with various brands such as Pandora and Chamilia showing no sign of a slow-down in popularity

We see trends come and go, especially in the jewellery and fashion industry, so why is the charm bead still so popular after several years of popularity growth? 

There could be numerous explanations but possibly one of the more likely is the way it gives people a channel through which they can express themselves and change the look of their jewellery when the mood takes them.  You can mix and match different colour beads to reflect your current mood or simply use colour to match your outfit or the current season and this versatility is key to the enduring popularity of the charm bead. 

One of the beauties of the charm bead is that they go further than simply giving you the option to match your jewellery to your mood or outfit, the jewellery companies such as Pandora and Chamilia have recognised that people want to wear beads that reflect their interests as well as their personalities and mood.  For example, animal lovers and pet owners can reflect their passion for their animals through different animal beads and those of us who have grown up with the magic of the Disney feature films can display their favourite and memorable characters on their jewellery.

Charm beads also give a great opportunity to represent a special occasion or achievement such as a special birthday or graduation or simply for birthdays and anniversaries and what is ideal about charm beads is that you can choose from designs which directly relate to the occasion, such as graduation cap, or simply choose an unrelated design which you know the recipient will love.

So we can see that charm beads and jewellery are about more than making us look good, they are about how they make us feel and can evoke some powerful feelings and memories